RSO Syringe / Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil
Commonly referred to as RSO, Rick Simpson Oil is a full spectrum cannabis oil meant to be taken orally or applied topically. Mint follows the Rick Simpson recipe by utilizing ethanol to extract cannabinoids from a single Indica-dominant strain of marijuana flower that produces a highly potent oil that is dark and very thick. While there are many RSO products on the market, Mint is one of only a few providers that create a pure RSO product from a single strain, which results in a cleaner terpene profile and perfect consistency.
Our RSO supports relief of minor pain, mild inflammation, stressful or anxious feelings, and occasional nausea. Promotes restful sleep. Commonly used as an alternative treatment for cancer but can also be used for health issues associated with asthma, anxiety, depression, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and inflammation. Also, RSO can be used in cooking!